Antenatal Classes

Our classes are private for a reason… You!

Coming to Cocoon means wrapping you in a safe and comfortable space; the time is devoted to you and your personal pregnancy journey.

Our classes can be tailored to explore your thoughts and feelings, discuss any fears or uncertainties, and help you feel informed and empowered about the things that matter to you the most.

As a starting point, we’ve drawn up a suggested curriculum of sessions. Feel free to pick any you feel would be useful, or let us know if you have a different topic you’d like to explore. Classes are bookable from as early on as you wish - we’re ready to start when you are.

Class 1 - Third Trimester, Preparation, and Signs of Birth

In the first of our classes, we discuss the importance of looking after yourself in the final stages of pregnancy and how to prioritise yourself and baby. We explore preparation for labour and birth, including fetal positioning, pelvic health, perineal massage, colostrum harvesting, your hospital bag, the role of your birth partner, writing your birth preferences, and signs that your baby’s birth may be imminent. This class will be tailored to your planned birth, including caesarean and home births.

Class 2 – Labour Coping Strategies, including optional Introduction to Hypnobirthing

Our second class is designed to help build your toolkit for labour. You may already have some idea of what you might want or feel totally unsure about the options available. We can talk this through, looking at both self-soothing and pharmaceutical options, and help you create a plan that’s personal to you, and that your birth workers and birth partner can support you with. We can explore hypnobirthing approaches within this class and organise further sessions on this if it is for you you feel it would be beneficial.

Class 3 - Birthing Journey and Birth Empowerment

Every birthing journey will look and feel different from one person to the next, even one baby to the next.  This class talks you through the physiology of labour and birth, to help you understand the journey your baby makes and how you can help yourself and baby through this process. We can discuss some of the decisions you may wish to make, such as the positions you’d like to be in, the way you might like to birth your placenta, and what to expect when baby is born. We can explore how you can empower and advocate for yourself, and how your partner can do this for you if needed.

Class 4 – Intervention and when Birth doesn’t go to Plan

Our fourth class can be a challenging one for many people, and there is no right or wrong with it – some people prefer more information than others on this subject, and this is where having time dedicated purely to you is a worthwhile investment. We can calmly, positively, and informatively explore interventions that may be offered to you, alongside the evidence that informs them, and create an understanding of the path you may unexpectedly find yourself on. We can’t change outcomes, and we cannot influence your decision, but we can help you feel informed and supported and able to adapt and process events.

Class 5 – The Early Days, and Creating your New Normal

Definitely one of our most important classes! Preparation for birth is often one of the things that people prioritise, but preparing for the early days as you adjust to new family life is imperative. We can’t give you a “how to” manual, but we can talk you through what to expect and how to prepare. In this class, we also talk about the things you can do to help take care of yourselves and your baby/babies. We will discuss any fears you may have, both practical and emotional. Planning how you can support each other, and understanding the new dynamics of your household, can be really important in getting through the first weeks and long into the future.

Class 6 – Feeding your Baby, Your Way

However you wish to feed your baby, we are here to help. Having privacy and a safe non-judgemental space means we can take time to explore the different options around feeding your baby, and your own personal knowledge and thoughts of what it is right for your family. You may have history or fears that you need time to discuss and plan for. We can explore the physiology of breastfeeding and breastmilk, talk about what to expect and consider potential challenges and how to overcome them. We can discuss safe formula feeding, and how to ensure the same bonding and nurturing experiences for you and your baby. Whatever the right option for you is, we will provide information to make an informed and empowered decision.

Individual Classes - £70

Block of three - £195

Block of six - £390

(To book an individal session please select the Midwifery category on the booking page, for blocks of sessions, please select Packages)