Complete Care

At Cocoon, we exist to provide you with the most incredible, personalised care. We have a small, perfectly-formed team who will nurture and guide you every step of the way - so you’ll see the same friendly faces each time you visit. It’s really important to us that we develop a strong relationship with you and your family; we want you to feel safe in our hands. Cocoon Complete Care is all about you and your pregnancy - we’re here to support you throughout, from that first glimpse of baby from just six weeks, all the way up to your birthing day.

Price: £3,495

Our Complete Care option is bespoke to you and your situation, but an example of how this could look is detailed below:


  • 6 weeks - Early pregnancy scan, initial consultation.

  • 10 weeks - Reassurance scan, antenatal check

  • 11-14 weeks - Early pregnancy/reassurance scan, antenatal check, optional NIPT testing

  • 16-18 weeks - Reassurance/Gender scan , antenatal check.

  • 24 weeks - Reassurance scan, antenatal check

  • 28 weeks - 4D/growth scan, antenatal check

  • 30 weeks - Antenatal check

  • 32 weeks – Growth scan, antenatal check

  • 34 weeks - Antenatal check

  • 36 weeks - Presentation scan, antenatal check

  • 38 weeks - Midwife antenatal check

  • 40 weeks - Midwife antenatal check

  • 41 weeks - Midwife antenatal check

Each antenatal appointment is around 45 minutes each appointment, giving plenty of space for any questions or discussion areas. You’ll also have direct email access throughout. Additionally, we will support you to access NHS formal dating (12-week), and 20-week scans, alongside blood tests and NHS screening.


First week after birth: 5 x hour long visits at home including postnatal care, feeding support, weight, newborn bloodspot, pelvic health, mental health and wellbeing.

Second week after birth: 3 visits at home including the above

Third and fourth weeks after birth: 2 visits at home each week, including the above.


  • SneakPeek sex determination (from six weeks’ gestation) - £129

  • NIPT screening (from ten weeks’ gestation) - £460-£550

  • Additional Scans – for added reassurance at any time, £112 per scan.

  • Birth and Beyond Preparation Classes - Three or six tailored sessions to help prepare for labour, birth, and beyond - £195/£390

  • Pregnancy Acupuncture with Bryony - suitable throughout pregnancy, 45-60 minutes in our restorative therapy room. £65 initial consultation, £55 subsequent treatments

  • Pregnancy Massage with Sarah – Full body massage from 12 weeks’ gestation - 55 minutes, £60

  • Pregnancy Yoga with Nadia/Hayley – 1:1 yoga designed for you and your growing baby - £65 per hour

The cost of Cocoon Complete Care can be paid either in full at the beginning, or in three monthly instalments of £1,165.

In order for us to continue to provide the very best levels of care, we can only accept one family into our Complete Care service each month. For more information or to enquire about booking, please email: