NIPT Test & Scan - IONA Care

At Cocoon, we appreciate that in pregnancy, information is a powerful thing. Our clinic in Harrogate is here for non-invasive pre-natal testing to give you as much knowledge as possible on your baby’s health.

We’ve partnered with the experienced laboratory team at YourGene Health to offer their innovative IONA Test and IONA Care Test options:

Iona Test - £460

The IONA® test is Yourgene’s proprietary Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) for pregnant women which estimates the risk of a fetus having Down’s syndrome (Trisomy 21), Edwards' syndrome (Trisomy 18) and Patau’s Syndrome (Trisomy 13) from as early as 10 weeks gestation.

Trisomies occur when three, instead of the usual two, copies of a chromosome are present. Edwards’ and Patau’s syndromes are much rarer than Down’s but are very serious.

The IONA® test is an advanced screening assessment that detects these copies from a maternal blood sample

The Iona Care Test - £550

IONA® Care is a non-invasive prenatal screening test for pregnant women offering an extended test menu. In addition to screening for Down’s, Edwards’ and Patau’s syndrome (trisomy 21, 18 and 13), IONA® Care screens for sex chromosomal aneuploidies (SCA) such as Klinefelter and Turner syndromes, and autosomal aneuploidies (AA), which don’t refer to sex chromosomes but occur when chromosomes 1–22 (autosomes) are deficient or duplicated. This extended screening offering (SCA and AA) is only available for singleton and monochorionic (single sex) twin pregnancies. Iona Care is available from 10 weeks gestation.

Both packages include a scan and we are able to include FSD (gender testing) for both at no additional cost.

Our midwife, Kate will guide you through the NIPT process, which includes an hour-long appointment to discuss the details of the test, possible results, a routine scan and the blood test. There will also be plenty of time during your appointment to ask any questions you might have.

Your results are expected to arrive within 5 working days, and you’ll be invited back in to chat through the results of your scan and plan any next steps. Both tests can be offered from 10 weeks gestation.

We understand that this can feel like a big financial commitment, so are able to offer payment in two instalments to help. The first 50% payment will be taken upon booking, with the remainder taken on the day of your appointment. If you would like to choose this option, please select ‘deposit only’.